Air Transport

The easiest way to reach Zanzibar is by flying into Abeid Amani Karume International Airport (ZNZ) located on Unguja Island. Numerous international airlines offer direct flights to Zanzibar from major cities around the world. Once you arrive, you'll be greeted by warm island hospitality and a world of adventure. 



If you prefer a scenic journey, consider taking a ferry from Dar es Salaam to Zanzibar. Multiple ferry operators offer regular services between these two destinations, providing an opportunity to enjoy the breathtaking views of the Indian Ocean. The ferry ride takes approximately 2 hours, and it's a popular choice for travellers seeking a more leisurely arrival. 

How To Get Around Easily at Zanzibar


Three-Wheeled Convenience

Car Rental:

Freedom And Flexibility


Convenience at Your Service

Public Transports:

Embrace the Local Experience


Explore at Your Own Pace


Island Hopping Adventures

Where to sleep

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Hotel Verde
Stone Town Zanzibar Beach Hotel
Best hotel when you will get beach view
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